Friday, October 17, 2008

Project 42

Guess what!?! We are in single digits for the number of projects we have left in Project 51! I don't know about you, but I'm pretty stoked about that.

When we started Project 51 back in January we said, "What would happen if Westwood Student Ministries just disappeared all of a sudden?" Would our community miss anything about us? Are we serving in such a way that it is making a difference in the lives of those around us? And it became one of our goals to find a place where we could serve and share the love of Christ in Alabaster. Over the past few months we have been going to Kids First Awareness Center and it has been great! The best part is that this may be one of those opportunities for us to continue to serve even after project 51 is over. Pretty exciting! Anyways...Thursday was a lot of fun as always. Here are a few pictures:

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