Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summers @ AREA 51

School is out, swimming pools are open, and hopefully the sun will shine soon!

"ONE" Bible Study Returns
Wednesday, May 27
Grades 6-12
@ AREA 51

The shuttle will not run during the summer but will resume in August when we return to our normal hours.

This is a great time to invite your school friends to come for a time of praise and worship!

VBS Student Orientation is Wednesday, May 27

at 7:30pm at AREA 51 immediately after "ONE" Bible Study!

You must be present to recieve a coupon for a free VBS t-shirt!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Senior Class 2009

Amazing Race Event for Seniors!

We had 9 seniors that participated in The Amazing Race Event on May 9th the race got off to a fast start .....

with Courtney W. winning the race and receiving a $100 visa gift card to help with college expenses. Thank you Mrs. Di for cooking a wonderful meal.

Senior Recognition was on Sunday, May 17th and we had 40 seniors that participated and were recognized in the 11:00 am service.
Congratulations to the Class of 2009!
May God bless you in the next phase of your lives!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Welcome Upcoming 6th Graders!

Westwood's Movin' Up Night

for Upcoming 6th Graders is

Wednesday, May 6th


@ AREA 51

We would like to invite new 6th graders and their parents to visit our middle school "Inside Out" Wednesday night Bible study. This will be a chance for your student to experience what Wednesday nights will be like and get them ready to attend in the fall. Parents will meet with Jay Gordon, our Pastor of Small Groups, upstairs while your student will participate with our current middle school students in worship. This will allow you a chance to address any questions that you might have with your student moving off campus on Wednesdays. If you would like more information please call the Student Ministry Office at 664-0122. We look forward to seeing you this Wednesday.