Thursday, October 2, 2008

Project Andrew Wash

On Thursday, 10/2/08, the 11th grade guys LIFE Group went to Montevallo and fed the Shelby Academy football team. We met up at AREA 51, got the food, and made our way to the school.

When we got there, we unloaded the stuff and set up all the food in the kitchen. The menu was simply fantastic: chicken fingers, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, sweet tea, and cookies. Soon enough, the Shelby Academy football team, coaches, and cheerleaders started to come in, anticipating the delicious meal they were about to receive. Altogether, there were about 40 to 50 people. We served the food to them, and with about 4 people left, we ran out of food. Luckily, Chris Martin had already gone to get some more.

So while Chris was out getting more food, Jeff spoke from the Scriptures to the football team. He talked essentially about how if you seek first the kingdom of God, everything else in your life that you run after will be taken care of (Matthew 6:25-33). He taught about if you live for Jesus and put him as the first priority of your life, He will take care of everything you need. After the message, Chris arrived with more chicken and mac n' cheese, so the last few people ate theirs while the football team and the cheerleaders left. Then, we just cleaned up our mess and, with the leftovers, returned to AREA 51 to eat the rest of the food. Altogether, it was a great mission project. It was really awesome to serve people who weren't old or disabled.

The people who did this mission project are as follows: Jeff McKenzie, Chris Martin, Stephen Jacobs, Ryan Horton, Steven Stone, and Andrew Wash.

And now, I have arranged an original haiku of our experience at Shelby Academy. Now take a deep breath, and get ready to be inspired by this touching poem:

Serving people food
Football players like to eat
Westwood loves Jesus

- Andrew Wash


Anonymous said...

That's beautiful Andrew

Anonymous said...

THIS is a brilliant post.

The haiku is epic. Andrew... you crack me up for real! (you definately know how to serve weller!)

Jenny said...

Great job. I'm sure that haiku brilliance has roots in a 4th grade poetry unit. :) I'm proud of all of y'all!

Anonymous said...

amazing poetry. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, those are some HAMAZING pictures that you put up for this project Jeff!!! Truly phenomenal job!!!

Anonymous said...

They apparently happened in 2006. I never set the date on my camera. Kinda sketchy on the details for all those Project 51 haters out there.