Saturday, October 11, 2008

Project 39 - by Caleb Hughes

On October 5th, 2008, from 0800 hours until 1300 hours, many 8th grade young men changed the lives, or at least the mornings, of several people. We were the helpers, or the phrase i coined, "blood buddies," of several donors for the blood drive at Westwood's campus. Since it was a Sunday morning, as you can imagine, we had many if not all of our regular life group attending guys. There were more than enough guys there to help out. And for that I am well-pleased and very thankful. As far as i know, there was only one complaint about my group and it wasnt even a big deal...something about one of my guys talking to the "blood bus" workers too much which i though couldnt possibly be true... *wink* They take after their main man DJ Cabes, so they just like to communicate their points of emphasis. But in all seriousness folks, we had a good time serving the blood donors and passing out refreshments. It was also a great day in the Lord's house. Thank you for all the people who donated, even though i was cowering in a corner hiding from the blood sucking needles. Speaking of which, i was wearing a shirt that said "Give blood!" Now does that make me a hypocrite? I guess it would be about the same as me being a Barista at Starbucks who doesnt drink coffee. But i digress...(i dont know how to use the word "digress" in a sentence, I hope that was grammatically correct for Anne Stansell the greatest 8th grade English teacher ever). Ok, now im rambling, i hope i got my point across. The blood drive was a huge success and i am very thankful for my life-group's participation and serving attitudes in it. We got some pictures i think, check out me and my boy Madison "mean muggin'" (as the kids are calling it) to the camera in the group shot.
- Caleb


Anonymous said...

this post is great... caleb, you should guest blog for us more often!

Lori said...

Caleb...I am glad to see that you wrote on this blog since you don't write on your own anymore!

Anonymous said...

Great post Coolness:)

Caleb said...

Thanks guys...Lacy we may be able to work something out! And Lori i am so sorry For real. I was actually sitting in class today thinking..."man, i need to post in my blog."