Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Middle School PURSUIT

Often times parents today will say, "I can help with the math homework and baseball, but I'm gonna let someone else handle all that spiritual stuff..."

PURSUIT is designed to enable and equip parents to come alongside their middle school student and assume the role as the primary discipler in their son or daughter's life; to provide an opportunity for a relationship founded in Christ to take root.

This past Sunday we kicked off our first semester of PURSUIT and, as far as I can tell, things went great! I could not hold back my eager smiles of excitement as people began to arrive at Area 51... and they just kept coming! We were blown away by the turnout. After things got started and everyone had their share of Chex-mix, we talked about our purpose and goals behind Pursuit. Then Pastor Les Hughes talked with the parents while the middle schoolers went upstairs to hang out with me. Overall it was a great night... and we had a blast!

It's NOT too late for you and your student to join PURSUIT!! We meet THIS Sunday, September 14, at Area 51 @ 6:00.


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