Monday, October 22, 2007

Middle School Fall Retreat 2007

The Fall 2007 Middle School Retreat was totally OUTSTANDING! Here are some highlights:

  • The school bus ride was far better than expected.

  • No one got sick on the bus and our precious driver found the way. (The bus driver had shared with Lori and I that he could not see well at night….ugh!)

  • The facilities at Shocco were wonderful for a retreat, FAR better than our destination on last year’s retreat. (That’s my personal bias.)

  • The fellowship among the students was a blessing to watch, especially in the cafeteria when everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to Gene’. She was totally blessed by the experience
  • It seems that “paint ball” is a far more serious sport than anyone ever thought! Mr. Jim was welted in several places, I guess the students had no sympathy for the veteran.

  • Apparently Jeff thinks he is young and vigorous because he suggested paint ball for the afternoon activity. Well, leave it to Middle School students to show a man what he’s made of. While there were no fatalities, let’s just say Jeff and the praise band look great….covered in BLUE!!

  • Everyone at Thompson Middle who went on the retreat better avoid the girls basketball coach. Let Gene’ tell her why Leah has a boot on her ankle!

  • Finally, the most significant point that Jeff made clear, as he always does, that our success in life and in relationships will be about our “seeking and pursuing God”. As an adult, it was a great reminder to me and I hope it was a challenge to our students that “God is everything!”

  • Great student Pastor!! Great students!! Great Praise Band!! Our Awesome God!!!

Hey students, tell Jeff and Lori how much you appreciate their hard work and how much they obviously love you all and work hard for the Glory of God!!

Ms. Martha Earwood

(more pics coming soon!)


Anonymous said...

Let me set the record straight, Ms. Martha...who didn't play paintball... No one "showed me what I was made of." In one of the games, the rest of my team was all out, so I decided to go kamikazi (sp?) and rush my opponent's base. I was outnumbered by about 10 and still got within 15 feet of the base before Karly Price shot me in the head.

Anonymous said...

Actually i think Jeff got shot in the head twice before we finished! I just want to add that i don't feel any sympathy for "the veteran" Mr. Jim, who didn't seem to be having a hard time when he shot me in the back.