Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Project #11
The group went door to door, offering assistance to the devastated community. A total of seven homeowners were helped with tasks such as carrying debris to the street for pickup, loading trucks with household property, raking yards and bagging garbage. A unique cleanup effort at one house was the assembly line formed from the house to the street to move a pile of bricks (formerly the side of the house) – from hand to hand, one brick at a time. Many homeowners declined help, but all were grateful that someone cared. When speaking with one elderly couple, we asked what they were doing during the storm. The lady explained that they were huddled in their hallway, praying to God to take care of them and their neighbors. Most all homeowners expressed how “blessed” they were not to be injured in the disaster. Many felt God’s shield of protection during the storm – there were no fatalities and very few injuries – a true miracle to anyone who witnessed this destroyed community.
We kept finding springs in one backyard and later found the trampoline where the springs came from – in the top of a tree a block away. One homeowner had two storage sheds in their backyard – neither of which belonged to them. There was a huge, 30 foot support beam skewering some swimming pool filter equipment – no one knew its origin. Tom Bird saw some computers in a swimming pool and almost went scuba diving for them (not on purpose). Please continue to keep this community in your prayers as the people rebuild their lives. - Gregg Gray
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Middle School Disciple Now

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Project #10
Project # 9
Lori said, "Before we left I prayed that the residents would not see a group of high school students but would see Jesus in our service. We knew that God answered our prayer when one of the residents said, 'Ya’ll are the happiest bunch of people I have ever seen to be serving a meal. That can’t be ya’ll…it has to be Jesus.'”
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The Impossible Shot Trivia

"What world famous band (as well as favorite band of Jeff) performed the theme song (you know...duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh....nevermind...) for Tom Cruise's first Mission Impossible movie?"
If you know the answer, you could win a Nintendo Wii...
Project #8
This project came really close to being cancelled because of the crazy rainstorm that we had that day but, the girls pulled through and we ended up having a pretty fun afternoon. When we got to the nursing home we split up into teams and passed out the valentines. Then we joined the deacons from Westwood at the church service that they host on Sunday afternoons. The girls sang hymns, and it seemed to brighten the day for those people just to see some young faces that care. Rachel Davis even played "Happy Birthday" on the piano! Here are some more pics from the afternoon:
(above right: us trying to sing hymns that we've never even heard before --pretty funny!) (below left: Morgan and Sammy rockin
Project #7

As fun and productive of a day as it was, however, it was not enough to just rake the leaves...not for the middle school CORE group! No, they spent the whole afternoon plotting and scheming the most creative way to use the 120 bags of leaves that they had collected. They decided that the best solution would be to put the bags -- all of them --- in Jeff and Lori's yard. Now, because Jeff has such a caring intern, this did not happen. But I had to give them props because it would have been a nearly brilliant prank. (almost up there with the lima beans)
So that was our day. I think it was a good start for our middle school group and hopefully it had an impact on the people we were serving. Until our next project...
Project #6

The group that participated included Sarah Box, Liz Hinrickson, Savannah Thigpen, Josh Pike, Dianna Tingle, Nick Williams, Carson Sumpter, Jordan Martin, and Oliver Stansell.
Once we completed the project this group assisted with the project that was being lead by Lacy.

Friday, February 15, 2008
Wednesday Night Drama
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Impossible Shot

Oh and don't forget, if someone actually succeeds at one these shots - they win a nintendo Wii.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Project #5
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
Project #4